Jessica Milo Books

About Me

Posted on May 14, 2023  •  1 minutes  • 114 words

Jessica and Awards

Jessica Milo is a former French preschool teacher turned passionate kidlit writer since 2021. She is a 12x12PB Challenge member, a published poet for the online webzine The Dirigible Balloon, and the newsletter editor for the SCBWI Oregon chapter. She is also a 2022 #KidLitVibes Twitter Contest winner and a 2023 #SpringFlingKidLit Writing Contest winner.

Jessica has a B.A. in French from California State University, Sacramento. She now resides in beautiful Portland, Oregon, with her husband. When not working on writing picture books and middle grade, she enjoys hiking, reading, playing video games and board games, and playing hide-and-seek with her cat, Gus.

She is currently represented by Jonathan Rosen at The Seymour Agency.

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